Frequently Asked QuestionsQ: How the Peer Averages are calculated?A: These averages are calculated by using the pertinent peer group classification displayed below. The Primary Credit Union's asset size is the base used for the comparison against other similar asset sized credit unions across the country. Peer Group Classification:
Q: What are the "giveback" values?A: The so-called "giveback" values show how aggresive an individual credit union is compared to the national average on a certain rate or parameter. Below is the explanation of the "giveback" values at CuData.Com:LOAN RATE GIVEBACK is the difference between the Yield on Loans (nationally) and the institution's Yield on Loans. (Yield on Loans (nationally) MINUS the institution's Yield on Loans). A positive number indicates that the credit union is more aggressive in offering lower rates than typical credit union nationally in pricing loan products. A negative number is just the opposite. DEPOSIT RATE GIVEBACK is the difference between the institution's Cost of Funds AND the Cost of Funds Nationally. (institution's Cost of Funds MINUS the Cost of Funds Nationally). A positive number indicates that the credit union is more aggressive in offering higher rates than typical credit union nationally in pricing deposit products. A negative number is just the opposite. TOTAL RATE GIVEBACK: A positive number is an indication that the credit union offers higher rates on savings and/or charges lower rates on loans than typical credit union nationally. Q: What are percentile rankings?A: This is a ranking of the credit union for a particular ratio or value on a scale of 0 to 100 that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it. Percentile rankings show where the credit union is ranked in relation to either federally or State credit unions in its peer group. The percentile ranking for a particular ratio or value is arranged in order from the highest to the lowest value within each peer group- either Federal or State. The percentile ranking assigned to each of the credit union's value or ratio is a measure of its relative standing in the entire range. For example, a percentile ranking of 80 means 20 percent of the all federally or state credit unions in the peer group have higher ratios or values and 80 percent have lower ratios or values. A high or low percentile ranking does not automatically imply satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. On certain cases, generally, the higher percentile, the better the performance; however, in some cases, such as Expenses Ratios or Loan Delinquencies the lower percentiles would indicate a better performance. The comparison group includes both National and State Peer Groups. The end-users would be able to select either National or State for percentile ranking. Q: No data is displayed for a selected Credit Union or a particular report date. Why?A: This may be because:
Q: Is each member of the Senior Management Team required to have a separate account or login?A: No. Only one account per credit union is required. Each member of the Senior Management can use the same login and password.Q: Are there any extra charges or optional services at this time?A: No. Your one annual subscription gives unlimited access to CUDATA.COM.Q: Will CUDATAoffer additional features in the future?A: Yes. We will continue to improve this site based on feedback from our subscribers as well as internal research.Q: Can more than one person use my password?A: Yes, but it should be limited to members of the senior management. CUDATA.COM is a single license shared by all users.Q: When will new data be made available?A: Every effort will be made to make the current quarter reports and charts available within two weeks from the date it is released by the NCUA. However, we cannot guarantee this due to possible factors beyond our control.Q: What is the best way to contact CUDATA?A: The best way contact CUDATA is via e-mail using our contact form. We will respond to all emails within 48 business hours.